Monday, January 9, 2017

Foster Parenting: Chapter 1. Why Foster?

Foster Parenting: Chapter One

Why Become A Foster Parent?

            “It takes a special person to do what you do” 

“You must have the patience of Job”

“There’s a special place in heaven for you guys”

“Ya’ll’s crazy!”  *most accurate

There could be a lot of reasons we do this.  Sheltering children, serving humanity, or we just have extra hugs we don’t know what to do with. The real reason is much simpler.  Money.  So much money, it is hard to find the time to count it all.  If you are looking to quit your regular 40 hour a week job so you can stay at home and just wait for the checks to roll in, then this is the job for you.

Don’t think of it as an hourly rate. Since you are basically on call 24 hours a day it is hard to come up with a figure. The other day I was thinking, “I am going to go count all my money, as soon as I finish scrubbing this poop off the wall.”  But, by the time I finished someone had put their foot through the ceiling and I had to go buy some drywall. Note: You will need a lot of drywall in this job.

            You do get time to think about all your money. Like the day we were at Disney World and I had to put one of our kids in a basket hold so he couldn’t hurt himself or me, I was thinking about the $150.00 ticket I had spent on him to come in with us. If it wasn’t for Children Services allowing us to open up our hearts and home for this little guy, I would never have had the money to bring him.

Another time, I spent the evening in a padded cell at the local psychiatric hospital waiting for an evaluation of a 9 year old.  He lettered in many diagnoses, ADD, ADHD, ODD, RAD, and BAD. This room had padded walls, a bench to sit on, and one door with a tiny window. The only thing on the wall was a large RED button with a sign that read, “In case of emergency.”  For three hours he paced back and forth in front of the button asking if it was an emergency. I didn’t answer him because I was thinking about the extra money I had to buy ibuprofen on the way home.

* Note: You will need a regular dose of Ibuprofen in this job.

You will have so much money; you will find yourself daydreaming of things to spend it on.

Such as:

Trading in your sports car in for a 15 passenger van.  

A camper (because your “special” kids can get you kicked out of hotels).

A swimming pool (because your kids are no longer allowed at the public pools).

New/used furniture.
Fire Alarms, Door Alarms, Lock boxes (for knives and medicine).
Clothes (because they usually come empty handed).
Private schools.
Vacations (You can be stuck in the house with the kids or you can be stuck in the house on a beach with the kids).
Sorry. I guess I can get a little carried away. The media tends to make the money or to put it correctly, the per diem, the central reason we choose to be foster parents. Anyone who has done this for a while will assure you, nobody is getting rich being a foster parent. So, if it isn't for money why do it?
            Our beginning…
Before we were married, we shared a common belief in the sanctity of human life. We believed that children were a gift of God, and that compelled us to action.  It was my darling wife's heart that led us to consider foster care. We attended weeks of classes, completed a background check, and had our house inspected.

Within six months of our marriage we were licensed with Lutheran Social Services as foster parents. They sponsored young mothers who had made the decision to carry their baby to term, but knew it was best for that baby to be placed in an adoptive home. Newborn infants were placed in our care until the courts granted custody to the newly adoptive parents. The Money? Let’s just say the cost of diapers, baby clothes, and baby furniture outweighed the reimbursement. Why do it? If you could just imagine for a moment how my wife felt the first time she took the baby boy that lived with us for his first two months and passed him into the arms of his new forever family, you’d know why. She was sad and happy that day. She was sad for the loss of the baby and happy for where he was going. But alas, a license foster home is a vacuum and an empty bed doesn’t stay empty for long. 

I think the phone rang about three minutes later with another placement.

A Mother’s Heart

The idea of fostering usually comes from the nurturing one in the family. In our home that would be my wife, Kari.  We shared the same world view of children, but, I didn’t think that meant turning a three bedroom home into six bedroom institution. The band U2 has a song called, “Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around the World.” It reminds me of Kari.  Babies from Russia, China, Mexico, and Ohio need homes. But, we can’t take them all!  Someone in the relationship has to say, “Hey, wait a minute. Let’s think about this.” I feel like I am a soundboard for these impulses. I like to call myself, “A voice of reason”. Kari likes to refer to me as, “A heartless S.O.B.”

The truth is, in our years of marriage I have learned that if Kari thinks something is right for our family, it probably is. I spent over 30 years on Active Duty with the Air Force and Air National Guard so I got to go to work during the day. If she thought she could handle the kids then bring’em on. I’d help with cooking, driving, and fixing the stuff that the kids broke. If there was an emergency, I wasn’t far from home. And, after 35 years of fostering I am well rounded in children’s entertainment. From Mario Brothers, Care Bears, and Raffi; to Spongebob, Shrek, and the Veggie Tales.

The Bottom Line

If you believe there are children in need you are free to make a choice.  You can:
1. Do nothing.
2. Become a professional at telling parents what they are doing wrong.
3. Or, buckle up, put your hands in the air, and get ready for the ride of your life.

_Doug Lambert has been a Foster/Adoptive parent since 1980. He is not a Licensed Social Worker, a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or any other kind of doctor. He lives with his wife Kari who is the driving force behind making a difference in children’s lives.  Observations made in this blog are based on experiences. Names and pictures do not represent foster children past or present.

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